RF Manual


Receiving > Receiving


The RF Receiving program is used to check in goods that have been sent by the client to the warehouse.

There is a separate RF Putaway program to perform putaway.

The RF Receiving program will do the following:

  • Creates inventory records for the checked in goods
  • Associate all inventory with pallet numbers and a location - all goods that have been checked in will be defaulted to be in the receiving station's location.

Status Codes

Inventory that have been checked in will be set with "CHECKIN" status. "CHECKIN" goods cannot be issued for picking.

(The checked in pallets must be putaway into storage locations using the separate RF Putaway program before the checked in goods are changed to "AVAIL" status. Only "AVAIL" inventory can be issued for picking subsequently.)

For ASN Receipts, the receipt header status must be in "DATA ENTRY". When all the ASN qty has been checked in, the receipt header status will be changed to "PUTAWAY".

(The ASN receipt header status is changed to "CLOSED" from the RF Putaway program.)

If a blind receipt is created, the receipt header status will be created as "DATA ENTRY". Blind receipts must be explicitly set to "CLOSED" from the RF Receiving program.

The RF Receiving program is designed and is optimised for handling goods with barcoded labels.

Header Tab


Click the Client button to display and select a client from the client list.

Receipt Number

Click the Rcpt # button to display a list of open receipts. Open receipts are:

  • ASN receipts that have just released to the warehouse

  • Any receipt that is in "DATA ENTRY" or "PUTAWAY" status

If the receipt you want does not appear in the receipt list (e.g. receipt has been "CLOSED" or is "CANCELLED"), you can type the Receipt Number in the Rcpt #  textbox and click the Get menu button.

Document Reference

Click the Doc Ref # button to display a list of Document Reference Numbers from the current open receipts. Alternately, you can type a Document Reference Number in the Doc Ref # textbox. If you leave the textbox blank, the program will automatically fill the textbox with Receipt Number. This is because the Document Reference Number is a mandatory field, so the program will use the Receipt Number as the Document Reference if you leave the Document Reference textbox blank.

PO (Purchase Order) Number

Click the PO # button to display a list of open Purchase Orders. The PO Number is optional. If you specify a PO Number in this textbox, then you can only check in items that are specified in the Purchase Order.


The Status textbox indicates whether the receipt is in "ASN ENTRY", "DATA ENTRY", "PUTAWAY", "CLOSED" or "CANCELLED".

Only receipts that are in "DATA ENTRY" or "PUTAWAY" status can be transacted.

Receipts that are in "ASN ENTRY" status are ASN receipts that have not yet been released to the warehouse.

Receipts that are in "PUTAWAY" status are ASN receipts that have been fully checked in, but have not yet been fully putaway. When the last receipt pallet has been putaway, the receipt status will be changed to "CLOSED".

For blind receipts, as there is no ASN receipt details to compare to, users must manually click the Close Rcpt button to change the receipt to "CLOSED" status. You can "CLOSED" a blind receipt even if there are still receipt pallets that have not yet been putaway.

A receipt that has been cancelled using the Desktop WMS program will appear as "CANCELLED". You cannot cancel receipts from the RF program.


This is an optional textbox to specify the supplier information.

Receipt Type

The Rcpt Type textbox indicates whether a receipt type is:

  • NORMAL - this indicates that goods that are being checked in are Fresh goods

  • RETURNS - this indicates that returned goods are being checked in. You must use "RETURNS" receipt type to check in returned goods so that the WMS can assign this returns for immediate picking subsequently. If returned goods are checked in as "NORMAL" goods, then the FIFO management of stocks will be broken.

  • XDOCK-B - this indicates that the checked in goods are to be cross-docked with Breakbulk processing. (Note: This crossdock type will be handled in a future update)

  • XDOCK-D - this indicates that the checked in goods are to be cross-docked for direct despatch to the customer with no Breakbulk processing required. (Note: This crossdock type will be handled in a future update).

  • IW_TRANSFER - this indicates an Inter Warehouse Transfer. (This is not handled by the RF program)

  • MANUAL - this is used by the Desktop WMS program and is ignored by the RF Receiving program. The Desktop WMS uses this receipt type to indicate that users will specify the putaway location. However, on the RF, all putaways are transacted by the separate RF Putaway program and not by the RF Receiving program. The RF Receiving program only processes check in transactions.

When creating blind receipts from the RF Receiving program, users can only specify either the "NORMAL" or "RETURNS" receipt type. The other receipt types can only be specified for ASN receipts created from the Desktop WMS program.


If the receipt is an ASN receipt, the ASN checkbox will be ticked.

This checkbox cannot be ticked/unticked by the user.

Receipt Date

The Rcpt Date textbox specifies the Expected Receipt date for ASN receipts.

If a blind receipt is being created, the Receipt Date defaults to today's date. However, users can backdate this Receipt Date.

Note that even if the user backdates the Receipt Date value, the system always records the actual date and time when the check in transaction is processed.

[ Close Rcpt] Button

Click the Close Rcpt button to "CLOSE" blind receipts. Blind receipts must be closed explicitly because there is no ASN information to indicate when the last item has been checked in.

ASN receipts need not be explicitly closed as the RF Putaway program will automatically close the receipt when the last pallet is putaway.

[Save] Button

Click the Save button to save any changes made to the receipt header. Only receipts that are in "DATA ENTRY" status can be modified.

[Clear] Menu Button

Click the Clear button to clear all textboxes and information on the current receipt record.

[Get] Menu Button

Click the Get button to re-read the receipt record from the database.

Details Tab

The Details tab is defaulted to show open items for an ASN receipt ("Open Items").

You can change the grid to show items that are:

  • "Open Items" - Items with qtys that have not been fully received (this is meaningful only for ASN receipts).

  • "Received Items" - This will show only items that have some qty checked in (this is useful for both ASN as well as blind receipts).

  • "All Items" - This will show all items.

[Refresh] Button

The grid is only refreshed when some qty has been transacted in the Trx tabs.

In a multi-scanner operation, when more than 1 scanner is being used to check in the same receipt, your scanner will not automatically refresh the grid when another user with another scanner performs a receipt transaction on the same receipt. You can click the Refresh button to force the grid to be reloaded with the latest data from the server. 

[Select] Button

When processing ASN receipts, and the grid is set to display "Open Items", if you click on a grid line, the line's information will be copied into the:

  • Item

  • Qty Req  (Qty Required)

  • Qty Rcvd (Qty Received)

  • Qty Bal (Qty Balance = Qty Required - Qty Received)

textboxes. When the textboxes are populated, clicking the Select button will transfer the Item Number and the Qty Balance to the same textboxes on the Trx (Qty) tab.

Trx Tab

The Trx tab is a virtual tab that redirects you to the Trx (Qty) tab at the rightmost end of the tab strip.

See Trx (Qty) Tab.

Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4 Tabs

The Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4 tabs allow the user to input special attribute values for the current receipt detail line to be transacted.

Only textboxes for required attributes as specified in the Item's Product Definition will be enabled (white textbox). Attributes that are not required will be disabled (grey textbox).

[C. Lot #] Button and Textbox

The Custom Lot Number button and textbox is only enabled if the item qty being checked in is Bonded. The button and textbox are disabled if Non-Bonded item qtys are being checked in.

When enabled, the C Lot # button will display a popup of all Custom Lot Numbers that have been recorded on other receipt detail lines in the current receipt.

[<], [H], [D], [T] Buttons

If you see these 4 buttons, clicking on them will bring you to the respective tab:

[<] will bring you back to the previous tab that you have came from.

[H] will bring you to the Header tab.

[D] will bring you to the Details tab.

[T] will bring you to the Trx (Qty) tab.

Because there are more than 15 tabs in the tab strip, these buttons provide a quick method to go to the leftmost or rightmost tabs in the tab strip without requiring you to do a lot of left or right scrolling.



UDF1, UDF2, UDF3, UDF4 and UDF5 Textboxes

The UDF textboxes in the Attr3 tab are provided for specifying optional data that are to be recorded on each receipt detail line as it is being transacted. The meaning of each UDF textbox must be established beforehand, and information that are recorded into these textboxes must make sense operationally. UDF fields are typically used to accommodate special customer requirements.

The RF program treats these fields as remarks fields, and does not perform any validation on the text enter.

UDF fields are limited to a maximum of 50 characters.

Keep Values Checkbox

If the Keep Values checkbox is ticked, then the contents in the 5 UDF textboxes will not be erased after each receipt detail line has been added.

If unchecked, all the 5 UDF textboxes will be cleared after every receipt detail line has been added.

Every receipt detail line can have a special remark limited to 255 characters.

Shipment1, Shipment2 Tabs

The Shipment1 and Shipment2 tabs show shipment info from the receipt header.

The textboxes can be updated and saved when the Save button on the Header tab is clicked. However, it is generally easier to use the Desktop WMS program on a PC with a full typewriter keyboard to furnish such information. It is very difficult to use the tiny keyboard on the RF scanner to input this type of information.


PO Detail, PO List Tabs

If a Purchase Order Number is associated with the receipt on the Header tab, the user can view the Purchase Order details from the PO Detail tab.


Trx (Qty) Tab

The Trx (Qty) tab is used for checking in goods by specifying the receipt qty.

Pallet Number Textbox

In RF Receiving, all checked in goods must be added to a receiving pallet, which is subsequently putaway into the storage area with the RF Putaway program.

All receipt pallets must be identified by a unique Pallet Number. Pallet Numbers must not be duplicated in another location, or in another warehouse.

Users are allowed to type in their own pallet number in the Pallet Number textbox.

The dropdown list shows a list of receipt pallets that have goods added into them, but have not yet been checked in (the check in process is executed by clicking the Close Pallet button). Once a pallet has been checked in, the pallet number will be removed from the dropdown list.

[N] Button

Users can click the N button to generate a New pallet number.

[P#] Button

If there is a pallet number in the Pallet Number textbox, and some receipt transactions have been performed on the pallet, clicking the P# button will display the contents of that receiving pallet.

In the Pallet Items window, if you select an item from the list and tick the Det checkbox (Details checkbox), the receipt details of the selected item will be listed vertically downwards to make it easier to read them without having to scroll horizontally.


  [Item] Button

If you are processing an ASN receipt, clicking the Item button will redirect the program to the Details tab where an ASN item can be selected.

If you are processing a blind receipt, clicking the Item button will display a popup of item numbers for the client.

If a client has many product definitions, the RF program will only display the first 100 item numbers. You need to reduce this by filtering the list. To do this, type in a few characters into the Item Number textbox and then click the Item button again. Now, only items with Item Numbers or Item Descriptions that contain the characters will be shown in the Items list.  

Item Description

If an item description is very long, you can click on the Item Description textbox to expand the textbox size.

Click on any textbox other than the Item Description to revert the textbox back to its original size.

Qty Balance Textbox

For ASN receipts, the Qty Balance textbox shows the balance qty that has yet to be checked in.

For blind receipts, this textbox is blank.

Clicking the Qty Bal button will call up the Whole/Loose Calculator.


Grade / Bonded

This is used to specify the grade of the goods being checked in. This is defaulted to the Receipt Grade that is defined in the Product Master definition for the item. Click the Grade button to select from a list of grade codes.

In CRISTALWMS, grades that start with "B" are assumed to be Bonded goods. If a "B"-prefixed grade is specified, the Bonded checkbox will be marked with a tick.

UOM / Qty

This is used to specify the UOM and the Qty being added to the pallet. Although users can specify the any valid UOM/qty for the item, the RF program will ALWAYS convert the specified UOM/Qty to the Lowest UOM and the Lowest UOM Equivalent Qty. This is because in CRISTALWMS, item qtys are always in units of the Lowest UOM.

[Add] Button

This will perform the receipt detail line transaction by adding the item and specified qty to the pallet.

If you enter a number in the Qty textbox and press the <Enter> key, the Add button action will also be performed.

[Close Pallet] Button

When a new receipt pallet has been initialised and items have been added on the pallet, the following will occur:

  •  the receipt pallet number will be added to the Pallet Number textbox dropdown list.

  • a number in red will be shown on the right of the Close Pallet button. This indicates the number of pallets that are currently pending check in.

When the current receipt pallet is full and no more items can be added to it, ensure its pallet number is showing in the Pallet Number textbox, and then click the Close Pallet button. If the pallet is successfully checked in, the red "number of pallets pending check in" will be reduced by 1. The proposed putaway location for the pallet will also be shown in the Proposed Location textbox.

Trx (SKU) Tab

For items that have GTIN/EAN/UPC barcodes (e.g. shoes), it is often easier to simply scan the GTIN/EAN/UPC barcode (which is basically the SKU number) on each piece of item, counting the number of scans for each SKU as the total qty of the SKU that is checked in. This is the function of the Trx (SKU) tab.

Pallet Number

As with the Trx (Qty) method, you must first specify a receipt pallet in the Pallet Number textbox. As before, this must be a unique pallet number across all warehouses. You can either type in your own pallet number, or click the [N] button to let the system generate a new pallet number.

CTN # Checkbox

If the SKU pieces are in cartons with unique carton numbers, and you want to track the received goods via these carton numbers, tick the CTN# checkbox and specify a carton number in the Carton Number textbox.

Note that these Carton Numbers must also be unique for the client. The client must not have more than 1 carton using the same Carton Number identifier. However, it is okay if another client in the warehouse uses the same identifier for its own carton number. 

[Start] Button

 When checking in goods by SKU scanning, you should scan all the SKU barcodes to be added to the receipt pallet in one go.

Click the Start button to initiate SKU scanning. Once initiated, the SKU textbox will be enabled. The processing mode will also default to "Add Item".


SKU# Textbox

Scan the SKU barcodes in the SKU # textbox. The barcode scanner must sent up a Carriage Return control code so as to simulate the pressing of the <Enter> key after each SKU number has been typed into the SKU # textbox. The <Enter> key triggers a validation process that checks whether the input is a valid SKU number for the client, as well as performs a count of the frequency of each SKU number (the Scan Qty).

If an invalid SKU number was detected, an error message will be displayed.


"Remove Item"

Sometimes, you may accidentally overscan a barcode. This will result in the Scan Qty for the particular SKU being over-incremented.

To correct this, change the transaction mode from "Add Item" to "Remove Item", and rescan the affected SKU number again.


[Post Trx] Button

When the last SKU number has been scanned, click the Post Trx button. At this point, the RF program will create receipt detail lines for the total qty of each SKU. All the items will be added to the specified receipt pallet number. As in the Trx (Qty) method, you will need to click the Close Pallet button to actually check in the pallet.


[Close Pallet] Button

Once the Close Pallet button has been clicked to check in the pallet, the proposed putaway location for the pallet will be displayed.


Trx (Serial) Tab

The Trx (Serial) tab is used for receiving goods that require Serial Tracking.

Every piece of item must have a unique Serial Number. The Serial Number must be unique within the client, so the same serial number identifier cannot be assigned to more than 1 product under a client.

Since this is the RF Receiving program, the item must be configured with Serial Tracking in the Product Master definition. Note that if an item is configured with Serial Recording, there is no need to use the RF Receiving program to record serial numbers during check in.

The Trx (Serial) tab is always used together with the Trx (Qty) tab.

On the Trx (Qty) tab, you must first enter the receipt Pallet Number followed by the Item Number of the serialised tracking product. When the program sees that you are receiving a serial tracking item, the Qty textbox will be greyed out and disabled, and the [S] button to the right of the Qty textbox will be made visible.

[S] Button

Clicking the [S] button simply brings you from the Trx (Qty) tab to the Trx (Serial) tab. Alternately, you can click on the Trx (Serial) tab on the tab strip to go to the Trx (Serial) tab.

Because the Qty textbox is disabled, you cannot check in serial tracking items by simply entering a qty to check in. Instead, you must scan in all the Serial Numbers in the Trx (Serial) tab, and the RF program will check in the qty based on the number of serial numbers entered.

CTN # Checkbox

If the serial items are in cartons with unique carton numbers, and you also want to track the serials together with their carton numbers, tick the CTN # checkbox and specify a carton number in the Carton Number textbox.

This mechanism is identical to the CTN # checkbox described for the Trx (SKU) tab.

Similar to the Trx (SKU) method, Carton Numbers must be unique for the client.

[Start] Button

Click the Start button to initiate Serial scanning. Once initiated, the Serial Number textbox will be enabled. The processing mode will also default to "Add Item".

Serial # Textbox

Scan the serial number barcode in the Serial # textbox. The barcode scanner must send up a Carriage Return control code so as to simulate the pressing of the <Enter> key after each serial number has been typed into the Serial # textbox. The <Enter> key triggers a validation process that checks whether the input is a valid serial number (i.e. the serial number has not already been checked in, or registered for a different item).

[Post Trx] Button

After the last serial number has been scanned, click the Post Trx button. At this point, the RF program will send up the scanned serial numbers to the database to create serial records to associate them the Serial Numbers with the Item Number specified in the Trx (Qty) tab. A receipt detail line will also be created with the qty set to the serial number count.

The program will then return the focus back to the Trx (Qty) tab, where you can click the Close Pallet button to check in the pallet.